Pizza Italia ristorante Falciani Venezia

Pizza, a tasty tradition

When you think about Italian cuisine you can’t help but wish for pasta or pizza.

Falciani restaurant is ready to satisfy every request of yours, especially as far as the list of pizzas is concerned. This old recipe goes back to Naples, but over the years it spread all over the world. You can order it classic, Margherita – with tomato, mozzarella cheese and basil only – but also be intrigued by the many variations: given the favorable position of Venice we recommend a delicious seafood pizza (necessarily seasoned with tomato only), but if you prefer keep your feet “on the ground” why don’t you choose a ham&mushrooms?
The oven is hot and our pizza chefs are ready, you just have to order kids and adults’ favourite course.

Don’t forget to book a table, calling the number: +39 0415224872


Pic by Unsplash
