
It’s ice cream season: great for health!

It’s getting hotter and the ice cream season is starting! The ice cream is a dessert, but with the right amount it can be great for your health.

The ice cream is a nutritious sweet rich in calcium and vitamin B and it has a low glycemic index. It provides energy and it also activates the orbital frontal cortex, a cerebral area which is responsible of the so called reward circuitry. Several studies show how eating an ice cream has consequences on the mood: for example, sour black cherry and pistachio help you to relax, while chocolate is famous because of its ability to fight sadness.

So why don’t you end a good meal at Falciani Restaurant with some tasty ice cream? Take a look at our menu!


To book a table, call the number: +39 041 5224872
We’re open from Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.


Photo by Pexels
